In this post, I want to share SQL tips on how to create dynamic pivot table in SQL.
The columns in the pivot table is not fixed in this case. Hence, there is a need to use dynamic SQL to achieve this.
In this example, we will be forming a pivot table containing spending by outlet from spending data.
SQL Query:
--prepare data source
create table #TmpSpending
MemberID nvarchar(100),
Outlet nvarchar(100),
TransactDate date,
Spending numeric(18,4)
insert into #TmpSpending values ('M0001', 'Outlet A', '2021/01/05', 100)
insert into #TmpSpending values ('M0001', 'Outlet B', '2021/01/15', 200)
insert into #TmpSpending values ('M0002', 'Outlet A', '2021/02/09', 300)
insert into #TmpSpending values ('M0003', 'Outlet B', '2021/01/10', 400)
insert into #TmpSpending values ('M0003', 'Outlet B', '2021/02/15', 500)
select * from #tmpspending
--temporary table for output
create table #tmpOutput (
Outlet nvarchar(100)
--initial insert into #tmpOutput
insert into #tmpOutput
select distinct outlet
from #TmpSpending
order by outlet
--store the list of [month year] first
select distinct [Year] = year(transactdate),
[Month] = month(transactdate),
MonthYear = left(datename(month, transactdate), 3) + ' ' + convert(varchar, year(transactdate))
into #tmpDates
from #tmpspending
--construct the table with dynamic columns using cursor
declare @year int, @month int
declare @monthyear nvarchar(8)
declare @sql nvarchar(max) = '' --dynamic sql for columns addition
declare cur1 cursor for
select [year], [month], MonthYear
from #tmpDates
order by [year], [month]
open cur1
fetch next from cur1
into @year, @month, @monthyear
while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
--add column to #tmpOutput
set @sql = 'alter table #tmpOutput add [' + @monthyear + '] numeric(18,4)'
exec (@sql)
--update #tmpOutput
set @sql = 'update o '
set @sql += 'set [' + @monthyear + '] = s.spending '
set @sql += 'from #tmpOutput o '
set @sql += 'inner join ( select outlet, spending = sum(spending) '
set @sql += ' from #tmpspending '
set @sql += ' where year(transactdate) = ' + convert(varchar, @year) + ' '
set @sql += ' and month(transactdate) = ' + convert(varchar, @month) + ' '
set @sql += ' group by outlet '
set @sql += ') s on s.outlet = o.outlet '
--fetch next record
fetch next from cur1
into @year, @month, @monthyear
close cur1
deallocate cur1
select * from #tmpOutput
drop table #tmpDates
drop table #TmpSpending
drop table #tmpOutput
First, we prepare the data source which looks like this.
This is the end result of the pivot table.
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