Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Activate Tableau Server Offline

If you are doing Tableau server license activation offline, it may be a bit problematic, and confusing.

There is already an article published by Tableau showing how to do Tableau server license activation offline. However, the last part about how to process the activation.tlf is not mentioned.

Hence, I am creating some guide on how to do that.

After you upload the offline.tlf file on Tableau site, and get the activation.tlf back, you need to:

1. Place the activation.tlf file somewhere in the server where you have your Tableau server installed. e.g. D:\activation.tlf

2. Open command prompt as Administrator from Start menu.

3. Go to the Tableau server directory where tabadmin.bat is located. Usually it is located at C:\Program Files\Tableau\Tableau Server\<version>\bin.

cd\Program Files\Tableau\Tableau Server\<version>\bin

4. Use this command to activate using the activation.tlf file:

tabadmin activate -tlf D:\activation.tlf

5. That's all, folks.



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