Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Split Comma-Delimited Column into Multiple Rows

We had post about combining multiple rows into a column in the past. Sometimes, on the contrary, we would want to split character-delimited column into multiple rows. In this post, we will see try to split comma-delimited column into multiple rows. Sample Data:
End result after split into rows:

-- Create temporary table to store UserGroup
create table #UserGroup (GroupID int, UserGroup nvarchar(1000), Users nvarchar(1000))
insert into #UserGroup values (1, 'Group 1', 'Himura,Selvi,Superman')
INSERT INTO #UserGroup VALUES ( 2, 'Group 2', 'Luck,Smarty')
INSERT INTO #UserGroup VALUES ( 3, 'Group 3', 'Lucky')

--Display the sample data
select * from #UserGroup

--Split comma-delimited column into multiple rows
;WITH tmp(GroupID, UserGroup, Username, Users) AS
		convert(nvarchar(1000), LEFT(Users, CHARINDEX(',', Users + ',') - 1)),
		convert(nvarchar(1000), STUFF(Users, 1, CHARINDEX(',', Users + ','), ''))
	FROM #UserGroup
	where Users is not null
	UNION all

		convert(nvarchar(1000), LEFT(Users, CHARINDEX(',', Users + ',') - 1)),
		convert(nvarchar(1000), STUFF(Users, 1, CHARINDEX(',', Users + ','), ''))
	FROM tmp
		Users > ''
select GroupID, UserGroup, Username
from tmp
order by GroupID, UserGroup

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