Problem: When developing a page in ASP.NET, an object tag (<object>) is not recognized when it is placed in an HTML form tag (<form>).
Solution: Inside the <form> tag, <object> element is out of scope. Instead of directly calling the id of the object, get the id using javascript.
Special thanks to StackOverFlow :D
<html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> function readScript() { Card.Connect(); } </script> </head> <body color=white> <form name="frmRead" id="frmRead"> <object id="Card" name="Card" classid="abcDll.dll#abcDll.Card" style="display:none" ></object> <input type=button value="Read Card" onClick="readScript();"></td> </form> </body> </html>
Solution: Inside the <form> tag, <object> element is out of scope. Instead of directly calling the id of the object, get the id using javascript.
function readScript() { var cardObj = document.getElementById("Card"); cardObj.Connect(); }
Special thanks to StackOverFlow :D