Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Updating Table Containing Xml Column via LinkedServer

If you are trying to update a table containing XML column via Linked Server in SQL Server, and you are not able to, you are not alone.There are 2 main issues in this scenario:1. Accessing a table containing XML column via Linked Server2. Updating the XML valueWhen trying to select the XML column of a table via linked server:SELECT col1, col2, XmlColumn FROM...

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Creating Dynamic Pivot Table using SQL

 In this post, I want to share SQL tips on how to create dynamic pivot table in SQL.The columns in the pivot table is not fixed in this case. Hence, there is a need to use dynamic SQL to achieve this.In this example, we will be forming a pivot table containing spending...

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Activate Tableau Server Offline

If you are doing Tableau server license activation offline, it may be a bit problematic, and confusing.There is already an article published by Tableau showing how to do Tableau server license activation offline. However, the last part about how to process the activation.tlf is not mentioned.Hence, I am creating some guide on how to do that.After you...

Friday, February 5, 2021

Using Macro in Notepad++

 Sometimes, you need to bulk-edit text with the same patterns. However, you can't simply use text editor to find and replace the content. In this case, you can try using macro in Notepad++ to achieve that.This is a simple video on how you can do that using Notepad...

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Split Comma-Delimited Column into Multiple Rows

We had post about combining multiple rows into a column in the past. Sometimes, on the contrary, we would want to split character-delimited column into multiple rows. In this post, we will see try to split comma-delimited column into multiple rows. Sample Data: End result...

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Using SQL Cursor for Looping

If you ever heard of SQL cursor, this is probably not a new thing to you. If you never heard or use cursor in SQL before, we usually use cursor to replace the ordinary looping in SQL. The performance is generally better compared to using WHILE or ordinary looping method, depending...

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Connecting to SQL Instance with Non-Default Port on Pentaho

If you are trying to connect to SQL instance on Pentaho, and your SQL instance is using non-default port, then you need to fill in the connection string a bit differently. This is how we normally fill in the connection to SQL instance, when connecting to default port. If...

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Dual Axis not Working in Tableau

Problem: When creating chart with Dual Axis, Synchronize Axis is disabled and cannot be clicked. Cause: Tableau identified this as a bug, though it is supposed to have been fixed on later version, but it somehow still happens. Solution: 1. To enable Synchronize Axis, make...

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Tableau Server Unable to Start due to Blocked Ports

Problem: Sometimes you might need to use different (from the default port) port on Tableau. By default, SSL is using port 443. For my case, I use SSL and port 8443 for Tableau Server. After you changed the port, and tried to start Tableau service, you get this error: *** Tableau Server Gateway requires port 443, ***    in use by process...

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Frame cannot Load - Content Security Policy Issue

Problem: You are using iframe to load a site from within a website, and the frame does not load. In my case, I am using https for both the website and the iframe. Error: If you press F12 on the browser, you will see error similar to: Refused to frame 'https://iframe_site' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: default-src...

Monday, October 24, 2016

Cisco VPN not Working on Windows 10

Error: Cisco VPN is not working (cannot login and connect to VPN connection). Solution: 1. Right-click on the VPN client, and Run as Administrator. 2. Open regedit and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\CVirtA and rename: x86 - "@oem8.ifn,%CVirtA_Desc%;Cisco Systems VPN Adapter" to "Cisco Systems VPN Adapter" x64 - "@oem8.ifn,%CVirtA_Desc%;Cisco...

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Updating Table Containing Xml Column via LinkedServer

If you are trying to update a table containing XML column via Linked Server in SQL Server, and you are not able to, you are not alone. There...

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Is an ordinary man, with a little knowledge to share and high dreams to achieve. I'd be glad if I can help others, 'coz the only thing for the triumph of evil is for a good man to do nothing.

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You can find a lot of debugging and deploying problems while developing applications in .NET and Visual Basic here. There are also some querying tips in SQL and typical source codes which might be useful shared here.

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